Looking down a highway with words "Glorifying God, Through Worship, Discipleship and Service" superimposed on top of it

Presbyterian Bible-based Reformed PCA Church Ledyard Stonington Groton

Our Ministries

Our Mission

We desire to honor God by being a church that worships, disciples, and serves. Worship is our attitude and actions toward what we love the most. Who and what we love shapes us into what we are.  

As we worship our triune God, we come to know God's holy love through Jesus Christ and it changes us.  As we are changed by God we become more like Him as His disciples.  And as we grow into disciples, we serve others, even those who might hate us.

We at Covenant are committed to faithfully worship God, disciple individuals into a grace-inspired holiness, and to serve others in humble love.

Our Beliefs


Salvation by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone

Covenant Presbyterian Church is a church in the Reformed tradition affiliated with the Presbyterian Church of America. Our ultimate goals are to glorify God and love people. We are committed to Jesus as Lord and Savior and hold to the historic Christian faith found in the Holy Scriptures. We also subscribe to the Westminster Standards as an excellent summary of the biblical teaching about God and His great work of redemption. 

If you would like to read the Westminster Confession, the Larger Catechism or the Shorter Catechism they can be found by clicking the button here:

If you would like to read about the history of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Ledyard, CT, it can be found by clicking the button here:

Follow our Pastor’s Sermon Series

Meet our Pastor & Elders

Visit Us

1 Fairway Drive, Ledyard, CT 06339

Located in historic Ledyard Center, on the corner of Colonel Ledyard Highway and Fairway Drive, near the Ledyard Fairgrounds.

If you live in the area and need a ride, particularly from the Sub Base or Coast Guard Academy, contact us via the Inquiry Form on this page or call the church office (860-464-8476) and leave a message. We'll pick you up!

General Inquiry

Prayer Request


Covenant Presbyterian Church is a Bible-based Church, affiliated with the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). It follows a Reformed Theology reflective of the Westminster Confession. It is conveniently located near the towns of Ledyard, Stonington, North Stonington and Groton, CT